Between Hola & Hello

It’s that time of year again. Everyone starts posting their “Best 9” posts on Instagram and people start posting more of those 2022 “word of the year” word search graphics. What also starts getting posted are videos that talk about goal setting for 2022. This video is no different than any of those.

In this video I talk a little bit about how 2021 went for me and share the goals that I’ve set for myself for 2022. Some of them are more tangible than others so they’re going to be easier to track as the year goes by – but I still want to keep those “hard to track” goals on my list and just see how I feel about them at the end of the year.

Are you all about setting goals for yourself when the new year comes along? What goals have you set for yourself or are you one of those who just picks a single word of the year?